Feeling down? Mood changes are common after you quit dip. You might be irritable, restless, or feeling depressed.

If you have these feelings after quitting, there are things you can do to help lift your mood:
1. Stay active.
Any kind of physical activity can help—for example, taking a walk, going to the gym, or joining a team sport. If you need to, start small and build up over time. This can be hard to do because feeling down can drain your energy. But making the effort will pay off. It will help you feel better.
2. Come up with a daily routine.
Create a plan to stay busy. Find time to get out of the house whenever you can. Pick up an activity that you stopped doing when you started dipping, or take up something new.
3. Talk and do things with other people.
Some people who feel down about themselves are cut off from others. Having daily contact with other people can help your mood.
4. Build rewards into your life.
Some people who feel down don't have rewards or fun activities in their life. Find ways to reward yourself. Even small things, like reading a magazine or listening to music, add up and can help your mood.
5. Talk with friends and loved ones.
Getting support from the important people in your life can make a big difference as you quit. They can be key to helping you feel better. Focus on spending time with people who make you feel good about yourself and want you to succeed in staying tobacco-free.