Your first day without vaping can be tough. Below are five steps you can take to make your quit day a little easier.

1. Stick to Your Plan
On your quit day, the most important thing is that you don’t vape. Stay committed to your reasons for wanting to quit. Focus on getting through today without vaping. It might help to take it one hour or craving at a time.
Revisit your quit plan to stay on track and confident today. If you haven’t made a quit plan yet, it’s not too late. Make your personalized quit plan now.
If you smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products, now is a good time to quit those too. These products contain nicotine and are harmful to your health. We know it might be challenging to quit smoking or using other tobacco products at the same time as quitting vaping, but becoming totally tobacco-free is the best thing you can do for your health.
If you need quit smoking support, there are free tools to help. Sign up for SmokefreeTXT, download one of our apps, or chat with an expert online using the National Cancer Institute’s LiveHelp.
2. Keep Busy
You will probably spend a lot of time today thinking about vaping. That’s totally normal. Keeping busy will help you take your mind off vaping, nicotine withdrawal symptoms, and cravings. Try some of these activities to help:
- Go for a walk, hit the gym, or do your favorite workout at home.
- Make a new playlist on your favorite music app, listen to a podcast, or read a book.
- Keep your hands busy by squeezing a stress ball, doodling with a pen, or playing a game on your phone.
- Find your inner artist. Create your own masterpiece in a coloring book for adults or on your computer.
- Organize your car, desk, or closet. The mental boost from crossing something off your to-do list will help distract you from thinking about vaping.
- Focus on your breathing. Try taking 10 deep breaths when a craving arises.
- Plan a fun activity with friends and family who don’t use vapes or other tobacco products.
3. Avoid Triggers To Vape
Triggers are the specific people, places, or situations that remind you of vaping. On your first day without vaping, you may not be able to avoid them all, but planning ahead can help. Try these tips to help you outsmart some common vaping triggers:
- Throw away your vapes, e-liquid bottles, pods, and chargers.
- Don’t use any other tobacco products, like cigarettes, either.
- Go to places where vaping isn’t allowed.
- Avoid caffeine, which can make you feel jittery. Try drinking water instead.
- Stay off social media accounts that remind you of vaping.
- Spend time with people who don’t vape or smoke.
- Get plenty of rest and eat healthy foods. Feeling tired or run-down can make you want to vape.
- Change your routine to avoid the places and things you might associate with vaping.
4. Ask for the Support You Need
You don’t have to tackle quitting vaping alone. Lean on the positive and supportive people in your life as you quit. Tell your family and friends when your quit day is, and ask them to support you on that day, as well as in the first few days and weeks after. Also, let them know specific ways they can help you. For example, ask a friend to celebrate with you on your first day being vape-free.
You can also get free expert support from a quit tobacco counselor by calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848).
5. Reward Yourself
At the end of your first day without vaping, reward yourself for sticking with it and staying vape-free. You deserve it! It doesn’t have to be something big or expensive, just something you enjoy, like taking extra time to do a favorite vape-free activity. Doing something just for you will make you feel good and help you be ready for your second day without vapes.